We are proud to announce the release of version 3.4 of GoldenCheetah.

Over the last 12 months since the release of version 3.3 we have been focusing on adding functionality to enable users to perform more insightful analytics. This has 4 main elements; supporting more devices and data series, making the data model user extensible, providing user tools to build analytics and enabling better sharing of user content.

We still have more to do, but have pushed out version 3.4 now to get FIT 2.0 support out as quickly as possible since more devices and services are beginning to support FIT 2.0 and use its extensible data model.


  1. FIT 2.0 Support incl Developer Fields
  2. ANT+ FEC Support in Train View
  3. User Defined Metrics
  4. Extensible Data (XDATA)
  5. Charting with R
  6. Cloud Sharing of Charts
  7. Sync to Google Drive
  8. Workout Editor


  1. CP/W' Solver using W'bal model
  2. Headwind Tool
  3. Mark exhaustion points & HR reference lines
  4. Improved Swimming Support
  5. Improved Running Power Support
  6. Dutch Language Support


  1. FIT 2.0 incl developer fields
  2. ANT+ FEC
  3. ANT+ Remote Control
  4. BTLE Support on OSX
  5. Footpod Support in Train View
  6. Kettler Ergo Bike Support
  7. RowPerfect 3 File Format Support
  8. Open Street Maps Support
  9. Withings Scales Updates
  10. Blackburn Tech Fluid trainer Virtual Power
  11. Zwift ZWO Workout Files
  12. BSX File Support
  13. Fixed Computrainer TXT parser